Float Toward a Good Night’s R.E.S.T. with Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy (R.E.S.T.), also known as flotation therapy, helps to calm the mind and body and prepare for a good night's sleep.

Getting a good night’s rest can significantly impact our mental health, outlook on life, mood, alertness, productivity, stress levels, and so much more. 

Even a slight disruption in sleep can affect memory, judgment and mood, while chronic insomnia can lead to a wide variety health problems later on in life.

The CDC recommends that adults need at least seven hours of sleep each night to maintain good health.

Sleeping seven hours every night can be challenging, especially for parents and those with demanding work schedules.

Ironically, mental conditions such as anxiety, overstimulation, stress, and even depression can prevent us from sleeping, and a lack of sleep can elevate or worsen our state of mind.

Many of our guests tell us how sleepy they feel after floating, which could be for a wide variety of reasons. Let’s drift into it.

Why R.E.S.T. in a flotation tank?

Sometimes referred to as sensory deprivation tanks, float tanks provide a quiet, dark, serene experience for your mind to truly take a break from processing sound, visuals, smells, temperatures, and even the feeling of your clothes touching your body.

When you allow yourself to lay back in the 10-12 inches of Epsom salt-infused water, your body begins to float without effort.

In this environment, you no longer have to maintain your posture, adjust your pillow, or find a comfortable position. The water will fully support your neck, back, and entire body while keeping your face above the saltwater.

Fall Asleep Faster

Studies show that flotation therapy induces the brain to produce theta waves, the type of brain waves that occur right before you fall asleep and right after you wake up.

By achieving the theta state while you float, you may find it easier to reach this level of relaxation at bedtime.

Many people who float routinely intend to condition their brain to fall asleep faster over time.

Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

Our circadian rhythm, or our internal clock, tells us when to wake up or go to sleep.

Since the sun rises and sets at different times each day, our brains naturally process the ebbs and flows of the seasons. Our brains subconsciously keep track of it over time.

However, Daylight Savings Time, traveling across time zones, and changes in your daily schedule can greatly disrupt your circadian rhythm.

In the absolute darkness of floating, it’s easy to lose track of time since you don’t have any references. Your mind will focus on resetting your circadian rhythm after you spend time floating in the dark.

Calm the Nervous System

Have you ever taken an Epsom salt bath to relieve sore muscles?

The water inside the flotation tanks contains 1,000 pounds of medical-grade Epsom salt, scientifically known as Magnesium sulfate.

Floating in zero gravity relieves muscle, joint, and back pain, the skin absorbs Magnesium while you float. Magnesium calms the nervous system to improve sleep quality.

Floating is a holistic way to ease feelings of overstimulation and anxiety, often leading to better sleep.

Reduce Cortisol (Stress) Levels

Not getting enough sleep can contribute to your stress levels (oh, how we despise the stress-sleep cycle).

Studies show that an hour of flotation therapy reduces stress and cortisol levels as much as a week-long vacation.

Meditation is shown to reduce stress as well. Regardless of your meditation experience, many find themselves meditating, imagining themselves floating down a river or through space. 

Naps are encouraged while you float!

It is okay and completely safe to fall asleep in a flotation tank. It happens all the time.

Flotation Therapy at Hope Floats in Bethesda, Maryland

The buoyancy from the high levels of Epsom salt will keep your eyes, nose, and mouth afloat, and you’ll see that it is practically impossible to roll over.

At the end of your appointment, Tibetan Chimes will gently fade in through the tank’s underwater speakers to wake you up.

If you are exhausted, we hope you allow yourself to doze off. It may be the best nap of your life.

We hope you sleep well.

If you struggle to sleep every night, we hope you know that you are not alone and that you are capable of achieving a good night’s rest.

We hope you find what works best for you and stick with it to improve your sleep health.


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