How We Clean Our Float Tanks
After a great float experience, you may have thought, “I would love to have one of these tanks at my house.” Then you search on Google and may be shocked by the $10,000 starting price tag, not to mention the cost of salt, heaters, filters, etc.
Because these tanks are a huge investment, we want to protect and maintain them as best we can.
Here, we will explain how our float tanks are cleaned and all that we do to ensure our guests have an enjoyable, clean experience.
Epsom Salt is A Powerful Antibacterial
Since Epsom salt is naturally antibacterial, the water itself is incredibly clean.
We dissolve 1,000 pounds of medical-grade Epsom salt in 10-12 inches of water inside each tank. That makes for 1.30 grams of salt per cubic centimeter of water, and this density is what causes our bodies to float.
The higher and higher the salt concentration, the lower and lower the ability for microorganisms to thrive in the water.
If you haven’t floated before, you may think the saltwater will feel grainy like the ocean. We “rake” the salt water inside the flotation tanks until the salt is completely dissolved, so it feels silky smooth on the skin.
The Ultimate Epsom Salt Bath
Soaking in Epsom salt works to clean, hydrate, and gently exfoliate your skin and hair while you relax.
This, paired with the zen feeling you get from floating, leaves you with a noteworthy “post-float glow.”
Each Flotation Tank has a State-of-the-Art Filtration System
After each session, the water cycles through a 50 sq. ft. Pentair Clean and Clear filter.
This system filters out the smallest molecules to 20 microns, meaning the filter captures skin cells and the like.
We have a water filtration specialist who comes in weekly to check all four of our tanks. He makes sure the water has proper levels of salt and that the filters are clean and working perfectly.
UV Light
In addition to the filter, an ultra-violet light sterilization system is used after each session.
UV is the safest, most effective system available and uses the same technology as water purification systems used for drinking water. UV purifiers are not filters, so there is no wastewater and no leftover debris.
UV purification systems deactivate 99.99% of all living organisms, rendering pathogens, bacteria, and other microorganisms unable to survive and reproduce.
A peek inside a Private Flotation Room at Hope Floats in Bethesda, Maryland
Regular Deep Cleaning
In addition to weekly scrubbing of the tanks, it is our job to discover and remove any pesky hairs that sometimes get stuck to the side of the tank between appointments. Sometimes they are hard to see so if you happen upon a hair in your tank, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we will remove it for you.
While the water filter works its magic between each appointment, we go in and refresh the room.
Between each appointment, we:
Remove and replace all linens (robes and towels for the body, hands, and face)
Change out the rugs
Sweep and mop the floors
Clean the shower
Wipe down all surfaces (including door handles and mirrors)
Remove any hair from inside the float tank
Replace toiletries, earplugs, q-tips, etc
We remain available for our clients if they need anything (like extra towels) throughout their appointment.
Our Guest Policies are Rooted in Cleanliness
We require everyone to shower and shampoo their hair before floating.
We ask our guests to avoid conditioning their hair before floating. Conditioner isn’t needed before floating, and the conditioner usually ends up in the tank’s water.
After your shower, you can immediately start floating.
When you exit the flotation tank, you will want to shower again to wash off the excess salt. And, of course, you can condition your hair if you’d like. We have all the toiletries you’ll need to shower, including soaps, q-tips, and the like.
To learn more about floating, please visit the detailed article about what to expect during your first flotation therapy appointment, or see our quick rundown for first-time floaters.